Education. Therapy. Recreation.

It’s amazing what a child can achieve with the right teachers in the ideal environment.
We recognize each students potential and the need for multilayered educational opportunities, that reflect what a students needs are now, and guide them and their families to prepare for further education, future employment and a life that reflects their dreams, hopes and aspirations.
Contact Dana Luther
(631) 218-4949 •
Here at People’s Arc of Suffolk’s Saul and Elaine Seiff Educare Center, we understand the importance of the early years in a child’s learning and development. Our model consists of a continuum of services throughout the child’s adolescence, and prepares students for further education, future employment and a life of self-sufficiency.
The People’s Arc Suffolk Educare Center is open for full-time in-person learning. However, for students whose parents have requested fully remote instruction, or a hybrid model, the Educare Center provides weekly distance learning packets that include daily lessons. Additionally, lessons are uploaded to Google Classroom so parents and their children can access them electronically. Our remote instruction directly reflects in-person services. Related service providers also deliver remote services via distance learning packets, teletherapy and access to Google Classroom activities.
People’s Arc of Suffolk realizes that it takes more than an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) to help students reach their full potential. Students at our Educare Center receive a combination of health and educational services tailored to support their strengths and abilities.
Half and full-day classes are organized by the child’s age and ability level. Each of our bright and airy classrooms has a large private bathroom, storage closet and plenty of space for our students’ adaptive equipment. Classrooms also feature a computer center as well as a variety of augmentative communication devices and other technological tools for education.
In addition to our well-stocked classrooms, the Educare Center has a number of specialized labs and learning environments, including:
Children's Services
The Multisensory room provides students with customized sensory experiences. This specially-designed environment allows students to organize sensory information required for academic achievement, activities of daily living and social development. Sensory integration enhances cognitive, perceptual, behavioral and physical abilities.
In this state-of-the-art facility, our assistive technology specialist matches students and adults to a wide variety of adaptive equipment, assessing and training individual students to use specialized devices in real life situations.
Many students need a quiet space without distractions, where they can focus on increasing their ability to understand and use language, or their clarity of speech. In some instances, we may use sign language or electronic devices to facilitate communications.
We offer individualized instruction in a small group setting utilizing a team approach. The team collaborates daily to develop and monitor appropriate behavioral and academic programs incorporating alternative, evidence-based methodologies which meet the needs of each child.
Individualized programs included discrete trial instruction (ABA), verbal behavior techniques and incidental teaching models with built-in reinforcement schedules. Our program focuses on the development of functional communication, social interaction, cognition and independence in daily living by providing a combination of individualized and small group instruction. Our experienced staff is dedicated to ensuring each child reaches his or her fullest potential.
Our high staff to student ratio ensures that all children get the attention they need to achieve. Each child is evaluated on an annual basis to assess his or her progress and facilitate the development of appropriate personalized educational plans. The Center’s classroom teachers employ a variety of educational approaches, including the Creative Curriculum and Multi-Sensory Curriculum, to reach the students. Some other specific activities include:
An opportunity for self expression and socialization through song and movement, using a variety of musical instruments.
Using a variety of art media, our art sessions help children explore the sensory aspects of creating and learn the pride of accomplishment.
Weekly classes that are specifically designed to help special needs children challenge themselves and grow stronger.
We believe parents and teachers share responsibility for any child’s development, and an effective partnership is critical to help students integrate what they learn into their lives at home. At the Seiff Educare Center, we try to create an experience that reflects what their typically-developing siblings might find in public school. We encourage family participation in such events as Open School Night, Fall Family Festival, Grandparents/Special Friends Day, Color Games and more.
In addition to the joy of seeing their children “in action” outside the home, these events give parents the chance to experience the fun that accompanies learning at AHRC Suffolk.
Serving children with intellectual and other developmental disabilities requires more than great teachers and a superior facility. At the Seiff Educare Center, we offer a host of services and specialists to help ensure that all of our students’ needs are met. These include:
Our PTs help children with multiple disabilities achieve their maximum physical potential through gross motor and weight-bearing activities, positioning, range of motion, therapeutic handling, relaxation, stimulation, and the acquisition of orthopedic equipment.
OTs focus on developing fine motor skills, building small muscle strength and improving perceptual motor skills to help children better manage activities of daily living.
To help families obtain appropriate wheelchairs and other specialized equipment, we invite their vendors of choice to participate in a consultation with parents and the child’s physical therapist.
Our speech pathologists help students overcome obstacles to communication and learn to better connect with the world around them.
Our three full-time registered nurses manage the often complex medical needs of our students, ranging from medication administration, seizure management, g-tube feedings and nebulizer treatments.
People’s Arc of Suffolk’s school psychologist provides psychological evaluations and parent training and *our Behavior Intervention Specialist works closely with students, their families and the treatment team on behavior management, intervention and training.
The Educare Center’s social worker is a valuable resource for our students and their families, providing information and referrals to a broad range of outside resources.
This professionally-facilitated group provides a safe and empathetic forum for parents to express their concerns, share their experiences and applaud their childrens’ triumphs.
For more information on any education programs/treatments, contact the school directly at (631) 218-4949 or email Dana Luther at or Shari Menachem at For career opportunities at Educare email Joe McNally, HR Recruiter, or call 631-585-0100 extension 240.
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