The People’s Arc of Suffolk Community Advocates Against Medicaid Cuts At Local Hauppauge Rally

We are rallying together with our peers to be heard and to oppose any cuts to Medicaid funding! The people we support and their families rely on Medicaid funding for critical services and cuts of any kind will be potentially devastating. This is a real threat and we plan to FIGHT back! We made signs, we chanted, and most importantly- we showed up.

Our Community Based Pre-Vocational group discussed Medicaid benefits and services they receive with their staff before they attended the rally, to better understand what this was all about. They held a group activity answering questions pertaining to Medicaid. Examples of some questions are:

❓Who in the group lives in an IRA?
❓Who attends program at People’s Arc of Suffolk?
❓PWW or CBPV, who has self-direction?
❓Who uses a Care Manager?
❓What do you rely on your Care Manager for?

These questions had them discussing with each other what could happen if funding gets cut. They worked together as a group and then advocated their needs at the rally at the NY State Office building in Hauppauge with pride. We are truly STRONGER TOGETHER!!

Medicaid funding is the backbone of services to people with developmental disabilities across the nation, and particularly in New York state. However, Medicaid supports remain at constant risk. Advocates across the nation are working tirelessly to keep people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) at the forefront of policy decisions. Any effort to change or otherwise reform the Medicaid program must take into account the impact of such change upon people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities, in order to prevent unintended harmful consequence.

It is more important than ever that we mobilize our grassroots, engage our congressional delegation, and protect the supports and services needed for people with I/DD. 

Have questions about what this all means? Click here for a Q&A discussing Mixed Messages on Medicaid Cuts in the House Budget Resolution created by The Arc NY.

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